What Are the Biggest Factors Slowing the Adoption of the Internet of Things

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to revolutionise the way we interact with technology and the world around us. The IoT promises to enhance efficiency, improve decision-making, and transform industries by connecting everyday devices and objects to the Internet. However, despite its immense potential, the widespread adoption of IoT has been slower than anticipated. In this blog post, we will explore some of the biggest factors impeding the adoption of the Internet of Things.

Cost and Return on Investment (ROI)

Businesses face unique challenges that require customised solutions, making it necessary to tailor software and hardware before implementation. While software customisation is relatively straightforward, hardware customisation can be time-consuming and difficult, even for solution providers.

The initial investment required for implementing IoT solutions can deter many businesses. This, combined with the fear of project failure, often leads business owners to allocate human resources for trivial tasks that IoT devices could easily handle.

Furthermore, deploying IoT infrastructure involves not just the cost of devices but also expenses related to network infrastructure, data storage, and analytics capabilities. Additionally, long-term maintenance and operational costs affect the calculation of ROI.

I’ve personally seen teams in large enterprises (Fortune 500) produce great results behind IoT tech, only to falter due to the ROI expected from a business POV. These enterprise companies expect quick and easy profits only to be disappointed. 

To overcome these challenges, businesses must recognise IoT’s long-term benefits and cost savings. Demonstrating real-world use cases and success stories where IoT implementations have significantly enhanced efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction can help businesses grasp the potential return on investment and make informed decisions.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Another factor hindering the widespread adoption of IoT is the public’s apprehension about security and privacy. Concerns arise due to the perceived vulnerability of IoT devices to cyberattacks and the potential consequences of data breaches. Especially with recent breaches with major enterprises like Medibank, Latitude Financial and more, the public has become more cognisant of cybersecurity threats hitting our devices. 

However, these concerns are often overstated with IoT.

To begin with, very few IoT devices collect and transmit sensitive data. For most individuals, personal information is the most sensitive data, and devices like mobile phones and smartwatches, which fall under the IoT umbrella, typically employ robust encryption measures that may surpass those used on personal computers.

On the other hand, low-end monitoring devices that lack encryption usually handle less critical information, such as telemetry data. These data types are generally of minimal interest to hackers and are unlikely to be targeted by serious cybercriminals.

The true concern lies in the potential compromise of accumulated data stored in the cloud or databases. Hackers could attempt to breach or manipulate the entire database, similar to their tactics with other web applications. This is a broader cybersecurity issue rather than one specific to IoT, and traditional solutions designed to counter cybersecurity attacks are applicable in this scenario.

To alleviate public misconceptions, thought leaders and influencers in the IoT industry must advocate for conducting professional risk analyses when implementing IoT. From a technical standpoint, current technology can address or mitigate most security concerns.

By disseminating accurate information and encouraging decision-makers to undertake thorough risk assessments tailored to their IoT applications, the industry can dispel unfounded fears and promote a more informed and confident approach to IoT implementation.

Interoperability and Standardisation

The lack of interoperability and standardisation poses a significant obstacle to the widespread adoption of IoT. As multiple manufacturers independently develop IoT devices and platforms, compatibility issues arise when integrating devices from different vendors.

As previously mentioned, this fragmentation increases upfront costs and creates a disjointed ecosystem that complicates the connection and management of multiple devices for end users.

To address this challenge, industry players must collaborate on establishing common standards and interoperability frameworks, thereby accelerating IoT adoption. Engaging in collaborative efforts, such as developing open-source protocols and industry alliances, can promote device compatibility, facilitate easier integration, and foster a more cohesive IoT environment.

Limited Bandwidth and Network Connectivity

The success of IoT relies heavily on reliable and robust network connectivity, but many regions still face challenges with limited bandwidth and inconsistent network coverage. This poses difficulties for adopting IoT solutions, particularly those relying on cellular communication, in rural areas or developing countries where connectivity infrastructure is less developed.

Fortunately, advancements in satellite technology can now enable IoT products in the most remote areas to establish internet connections. Satellite communication offers virtually ubiquitous coverage compared to traditional cellular networks. Although satellite communication has certain drawbacks, such as the cost of satellite modules, it presents a viable solution for many applications.

Education and Awareness

Finally, the lack of education and awareness regarding the capabilities and benefits of IoT is slowing down its adoption.

Many individuals and businesses need to become more familiar with IoT technologies, their potential applications, and how to integrate them into their daily lives or operations. This knowledge gap hampers the demand for IoT solutions and inhibits its growth.

On the other hand, it is crucial for the community to actively promote IoT literacy through educational initiatives, training programs, and public awareness campaigns. By empowering individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills required to leverage IoT, we can foster a more receptive environment for IoT adoption.


While the Internet of Things holds immense promise, several factors have impeded its widespread adoption. Emphasising ROI, addressing security and privacy concerns, promoting interoperability and standardisation, improving network connectivity, and increasing education and awareness are crucial steps towards overcoming these barriers. By collaboratively addressing these challenges, we can unlock the full potential of the IoT and create a more connected and intelligent world.

For business owners seeking solutions to their challenges where IoT can be beneficial, we invite you to reach out to EasyIOT at info@easyiot.com.au. Our team of specialists are dedicated to collaborating with you to identify the most effective ways IoT can address your specific business needs.