Case Study

NB-IoT Smoke Detector


Kind Words From Happy Clients

The team was experienced, self-driven and professional. Despite all challenges, they've always been committed and determined to find their way around. The team went beyond expectations in submitting the project deliverables.


Traditional home smoke alarms require professional wiring that has to be done during the construction stage. Our client OWY is an industry leader and has multiple traditional detectors on the market. OWY realised the huge market demand for a low-cost, plug-and-play device, which allows people to easily stick them to any ceiling. OWY approached EasyIOT and said that they wanted to integrate IoT features such as triggering alarm calls into one of the existing products.

NB-IoT Smoke Detector
EasyIOT hardware development 3


The IoT smoke detector senses all kinds of smoke and triggers a phone call to a designated number. On top of that, the alarms connect on a single platform so that when one alarm triggers, all of the smoke detector alarms in the house will sound. Notifications are sent to the cloud backend and users will receive them on their mobile device as well.

What we did

After analysing the existing hardware and firmware, we decided to redesign the entire electronics as the existing design was outdated and could not support the required IoT features. In addition, we also designed an online platform where users could keep track of all the trigger events.

EasyIOT hardware development 2
Firmware Development For Embedded Systems


EasyIOT redesigned the hardware and firmware in two months. The product went into mass production after another 2 months and OWY sold 200,000+ units globally in the year 2021.

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